Blogger templates

Tuesday 25 February 2014

On 2/25/2014 09:34:00 pm by Unknown in ,    1 comment
This is the most common google analytics questions for visitor. So, i am simple explain to understand the difference between bounce and exit rates for a particular page in your web page. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who landed on a web page and immediately left. Bounces are always one page sessions and exit rate is the percentage of people who left your site from that web page. Exits may have viewed more than one web page a session.It means they may not have landed on that web page, but only found their way to it through site navigation.

Bounce Rates, Exit rates

keep in mind three things :-

A. All page views to the page, the exit rate is the percentage that were the last in the session.
B. All sessions beginning with the page, the bounce rate is the percentage that was the only session.
C. The bounce rate calculation for a page is based only on visits that start with that page.

1. Bounce Rates :-

High bounce rate are often bad, Typically bounce bates indicates that a visitor did not find the page they landed on relevant to their interests or it did not fulfill their drive to click-through on the referring link. If the page meets the intent of consultation, there may be no reason for the user to participate. This is not to say it was a bad experience, it just means they achieved what they wanted and nothing more.

A high bounce rate on a home page is usually a sign that something is wrong. But again, make sure you take a close look at the sources and keywords that are driving traffic. You may have a very low percentage of dropouts for some keywords and very high for others. Maybe you are getting a lot of StumbleUpon traffics, which by it's very natural.

Improve bounce rate :-

The design of your web pages and your Google Analytic implementation can affect your bounce rate, improving your bounce rate requires specific, custom changes to your site and setup. The bounce rate, and improving the bounce rate, is as individual as your business.

2. Exit rates :-

Exit rate is something like the bounce that does not care about how you got to the web page. Still based on a page is the last page visited in the session visit however. Here's an example - let's say I go into the website, click on your product page hiking visit. I can filter out some things and then come to a pair of visits that I like. I get distracted, I close my tab on browser and remove. My start was on the product detail page visit.

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